Beans in the “fiasco”


Unce upon a time people used to put the bottle in the corner of the fireplace. The beans, soaked in water, cooked so slowly, keepingall their flavor. Cooked over a flame, in special flasks of tempered glass, a little EVOoil, a sage leaf and a clove of garlic, beans are an excellent side dish. If accompanied by leafy vegetables “rehearse in the pan“, a tasty and healthy dish, suitable for everyone.

From the Blog of the Red Bean of Lucca  Marco Pistoia, agronomist, referent of the convivium of the red bean Lucca and great loverof beans, tells how to prepare the beans in the traditional “fiasco”. Here’s how

how to do

300/500 grams of beans of your preferred variety
haromatic herbs to taste

how to do

Put the beans in water overnight around.
Then put them in the fiasco by adding water so that it covers about one cm the beans, add herbs, olive oil, garlic and put the bottle on the fire. When the water boils, turn the heat down so that cooking takes place slowly, stirring occasionally beans swirling the flask.

Simmer, and after an hour, hour and a half depending on the bean chosen, taste the cooking. Reached the right degree of donenessyou can pour into a serving dish, including the seasoning. Add a “round” of extra virgin olive oil.

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