Alpe di Pruno


Alpe di Pruno

Located on the sea side of the Apuan Alps, the area of the Pastures of Pruno and Volegno, Tricella, Tiglieta, le Rave, le Caselle, the Mount Tana, Pereta, Rocchetta, Ranocchiaia, Deglio, Tiegola, Poggiogo, Santa Barbara, Cupugliaia, la Tomba and Bovalica, is surrounded by chestnut trees and abundant water.

The management model of the territory linked to nomadic herding probably comes from practice by peoples Liguro Apuan in pre-Roman times and handed down until after World War II, today limited to the establishment of San Rossore.

The Alp of Pruno can be reached walking from Cardoso (Stazzema), along the CAI path n. 7 to Collemezzana. From here, along the CAI path n. 124, you reach San Rossore.